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About Gun Storage Map

The National Gun Storage Map is a resource created by the non-profit Pierce’s Pledge (501c3) to help individuals and families across the country find temporary, voluntary firearm storage options. Owning a firearm is a serious responsibility, and storing firearms during times of change or challenge is an important part of responsible gun ownership. The businesses listed on this map are all licensed Federal Firearm License (FFL) holders who have expressed their willingness to consider requests for temporary, voluntary gun storage.

This map was generated using a customer survey that did not involve any information about Pierce’s Pledge. The survey asked FFL holders simple yes-or-no questions regarding their storage capacity, willingness, and availability. The map is updated annually, so it may be missing some locations that offer storage or may include locations that no longer do. If you are looking for storage locations for your firearm, we encourage you to contact locations near you for further details.

The 2025 map updates collection are generously funded by Pause to Protect and private donors of Pierce's Pledge.

For any questions, concerns, or updates regarding the map, please contact info@piercespledge.org.

www.piercespledge.org - pausetoprotect.org 

General Information on How to Store Firearm(s)

For more specific rules and regulations, check your state laws.

To store your firearm(s) with a dealer, you'll typically need to follow these steps:

  1. Find a reputable firearm dealer or firearm retailer that offers storage services. Use the Pierce's Pledge national map for available dealers in your area.
  2. Contact the dealer to inquire about their storage options, availability, fees, and any requirements they have.
  3. Bring your firearm and current government issued identification to the dealer during their business hours.
  4. Complete any necessary paperwork, such as a storage agreement and any required forms.
  5. Pay any applicable storage fees.
  6. The dealer will provide you with a receipt or other documentation confirming that they are storing your firearm.
  7. Alert the dealer when you're ready to pick up your firearm(s) and follow their procedures and any additional required paperwork. The retrieval will require a background check, waiting periods vary state by state.